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My name is Noa

Gaia Lakshmi

I am holistic purification & cellular regeneration specialist, a SELF-empowerment mentor, and the founder of the SoTeria Foundation.


The SoTeria foundation is dedicated to the purification, regeneration, illumination, and liberation of the human race, returning back to our natural state; individually and collectively.


SoTeria in Greek means health expressed as Wholeness and unification of body and soul. It represents restoration to a state of safety, soundness, and well-being as well as preservation and salvation from destruction.

My name, Noa, means FREEDOM in Hawaiian which is and has been my driving force throughout my Life on this Earth...


I’ve been on the purification and regeneration path since 2009. Although I’ve had some deviations along the way, at the core of my being, I’ve consistently remained a passionate fruit lover and an advocate of the natural hygiene Lifestyle.


It’s not about diets or concepts but a way of living. Through purification, healing, and regeneration of the body-mind-soul, I guide people back home to our innate Natural State as hue-man beings; the way God intended.


Yoga and meditation have been and continue to be a constant pillar throughout my transformation journey ever since I began practicing and teaching yoga in 2004-2006. As a dedicated yogini, I am inspired and delighted to share the undiluted wisdom and power of these teachings as a way to purify, regenerate, illuminate, and liberate.


Making this path more comprehensible, accessible, practical, and Joy-Full, has become an integral piece of the SoTeria foundation’s vision ------- the elevation and liberation of


It is a joy for me support “others” on this journey by connecting back to Nature and her unfathomable wisdom. My guidance is always based on natural laws and the innate intelligence of the body to heal and regenerate itself.

After many years (and probably Lifetimes) of personal experience with living foods, herbs, fasting, yoga, emotional healing, and other Life-giving tools, it is an honor to share with more beings who would like to experience TRUE vitality and ultimately, liberation.

Thank U for stopping by!


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