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In-Person Private Immersions 


For inquiries, please go to the contact page 


"Well...I can easily tell you that you have done your job and done it well. I am in such an incredibly better situation today than I was when we had our first conversation 12 short weeks ago. The thought of getting off the couch and taking a shower was overwhelming back then. I am now back to my on-the-go self as of this week.  I have the tools needed to put the wisdom into action thanks to you. My life looks very different from many angles than it did such a short time ago. In all ways - physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's truly amazing what a couple of months can do.

I was skeptical but it all seemed to come together so nicely. Your knowledge and guidance were entirely instrumental. Could never have navigated this whole new world without you. And it's just the beginning of my journey in it. Thank you to the moon and back for all the support you have given me. I know I bombarded you with a ton of questions and some doubts. You were always there, responsive and honest.

This is not a farewell note because I hope to keep in contact as I have come to love you as a friend. And my family is not done with your services either. We will be summoning you again in the next few months for your wisdom and guidance on getting my baby girl ready for her best life."

Jennifer Collins

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